Vintage Comics - DC’s The Brave And The Bold Number 66 July 1966 Bagged And Boarded Fantastic Cover Art
Vintage Comics - DC’s The Brave And The Bold Number 66 July 1966 Bagged And Boarded Fantastic Cover Art
Cover pencils by Ramona Fradon, inks by Charles Paris. “Wreck the Renegade Robots,” script by Bob Haney, pencils by Mike Sekowsky, inks by Mike Esposito; Metamorpho goes to Doc Magnus for help being returned to normal and ends up helping the Doc when the Metal Men are turned evil by The Master. Your Free Trip Around the World! public service announcement about libraries, script by Jack Schiff, art by Sheldon Moldoff. Cap’s Hobby Hints by Henry Boltinoff. Metals Can Be Fickle article. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.12.